26 October 2021
The Lismore Regional Gallery is currently calling for exhibitions proposals to join the program in Gallery 5.
The prominently located downstairs gallery will prioritise local early career artists in a program of about eight exhibitions per year. The gallery is approx 9.8m x 3.5m x 3.4m (h) (download floor plan here) and has gallery lighting and hanging tracks. Artists will receive a fee of $250 per show, and be expected to help with installation/de-installation. With a large floor to ceiling window, the gallery space will be highly visible to people passing by and those engaging in activities in the Lismore Quadrangle.
Exhibition proposals can be submitted anytime throughout the year and selected by a panel. A selection panel will assess all proposals following the deadline (5 November 2021). Exhibitions assessed in the November 2021 round will be programmed in 2023, primarily in the downstairs Jenny Dowell Gallery.
Submitting your proposal
If you would like your artwork to be considered for exhibition at Lismore Regional Gallery, you can submit a proposal including:
• Images (10 maximum)
• CV/ BIO (including contact details)
• links to website (if available)
• an exhibition statement (approx. one page)
Your exhibition statement must include an artist’s statement/conceptual premise and a description of the show. You can also include ideas you have for public programming (workshop/artist talk/performance etc) and any preference for dates.
Download a proposal form here
Email your proposal to mailto:art.gallery@lismore.nsw.gov.au